
Date joined: 2022


Omaha, NE, USA

Company size

10,000+ employees


Engineering solutions and construction firms


Kiewit Corporation, founded in 1884, is one of the largest construction and engineering organizations based in North America. Kiewit offers solutions for accelerating time-to-market with reduced costs for industrial manufacturers, and has experience in design-build projects for wastewater treatment plants for the semiconductor industry. To avoid increases upon anticipated costs, Kiewit offers a collaborative delivery model through which different groups - including operations, construction, design, and major OEMS - meet early in the conceptual design phase to support facility expansion at a quicker rate.

Employee UltraFacility members

UltraFacility Resources

Technical journal archive | 2013
Dealing With Tighter Wastewater Treatment Guidelines
Technical journal archive | 2016
What Lessons can be Learned from Steam Generation Chemistry Control and Metrology and Analytical Technology Failures?

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