Date joined: 2022


Cologne, Germany

Company size

5000+ employees


Material suppliers


A German chemicals, rubber and plastics manufacturer formed in 2004 through the spin-off of Bayer AG's chemical and polymers business. LANXESS manufactures ion exchange resins for municipal and industrial water treatment applications through its Liquid Purification Technologies business unit. Primarily active in Europe, the firm also has interests in the Asia-Pacific region and in the Americas. The company sold its RO membrane division to Suez in 2021.

UltraFacility Resources

Conference material | 2024
PFAS Treatment with Ion Exchange Resins for Semiconductor Industry
Training series | 2017
Ion Exchange Resins - How They Work, Why They Work and How They Don't Work
Technical journal archive | 2016
Can a New Polyamide Chemistry Improve RO Rejection of Boron, Nitrates and Silica
Conference material | 2016
Ion Exchange Resins An Overview of Selective Separation

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